martedì 23 agosto 2011

Can't put one foot out of the door.

Goth bless air coditioning! I left home one hour ago and 95% of the time I was in places with air-coditioning. But those few seconds under the sun from my door to the car and from the car to the office was enough to make me feel really sick. I felt my skin burning, my heart beating in a strange way and I almost fainted at the post office. I have to admit, I haven't sleep in the last 24 hours but these are the hottest and worst days of the year here in Italy. It's truly impossible to stand for more than 10 seconds outdoor until the sun goes down. To face the infernal heat I chose a very minimal look for today: a very sober make up and my hair disguised in a masculine short style.

But now I want to show you what I recently bought! On sunday I felt really really bad, I cryed all night long and then I slept until the afternoon, when my parents decided to go out for a little trip to try to cheer me up. After we arrived in the town we wanted to visit (the one where was the goth party last week) we entered one of those little shops that sells frippery for very low prices and my eye was captured by a bunch of adorable tiny wooden chests, I would have bought them all but in the end I went for this one:

It's very tiny (the longest side is 8 cm) and now is filled with some rings and earrings. It costed me only 1€. So cute.
I discovered myself to be into steampunk-like objects at the moment, and I want to show the magnificent necklace I bought just a bunch of minutes ago from Pinkabsinthe Etsy shop:

*ç* Isn't it gorgeous? I can't wait to wear it! I ran into this shop some weeks ago and I wanted to buy everything! Then yesterday I fell in love with this piece and finally decided to buy it. I think this is perfect for me in the colours and shapes. I'm starting to think shopping is for real very therapeutic.

1 commento:

  1. super cute box! :)
    i always end up buying dvds when im down.. shoppin can help ;)
    Ive been wondering where your name come from Rubina Månsken doesnt quite sound italian ;)
