domenica 28 agosto 2011
Today's make up - manga absent eyes
I tried to make Sunako Kirishiki's eyes. I have no idea of what anime/manga this character comes from and know nothing about her, I just made it because I wanted to help a cosplayer I know in making her sight look like the strange and absent one this character has (you can see the pictures on her profile by clicking here, I think she's a good cosplayer). Well actually she didn't ask anything, lol, I've just been keeping in my list to do a manga eyes make up for a long time and today I had some spare time, so here it is, eventhought they are not the classic manga eyes I had in mind. I'll try to make some better ones in the future.
Yesterday's highlander make up
Yesterday night I went to Pride Village again with my friend Viola and other people; I dressed in a very comfortable and so quite boring style because I wanted to get drunk and dance for hours, that is what I actually did. I had lots of fun even if when I came back home I had a very sad moment. I fell asleep with my make up on and despite of rolling between sheets and pillows for 6 hours, plus sweat and tears from the night before, when I woke up and walked toward the mirror to meet a panda I discovered my make up was still PERFECT. I don't get how this was scientifically possible.
mercoledì 24 agosto 2011
Racists in 2011
Woah the last post was a lot of blah blah blahs! This is gonna be a lot more serious. When I woke up this morning and read emails I ran into a response to a comment I submitted on a youtube video some days ago . The video was the famous sketch from Family Guy where Peter goes to an italian butcher's shop wearing a mustache and he tries to speak Italian ("Scusi...Badababoopi?").
One of the comments said: "ITALIAN(s) ARE NOT WHITE". I responded to that in a very pacific way and my purpose was to be hilarious: "You watched Jersey Shore too much, lol. You should visit Italy when it's not summer holiday time and everybody get tanned..." assuming actors from that tv show represent the idea that foreign people have about Italians. This was the comment he posted on my youtube channel today: "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN I WATCH AMERICAN SHOWS ? IAM NOT AMERICAN YOU FUCKING GREASY BLACK ITALIAN, FUCK OFF BACK TO AFRIKA YOU MOOR" O.O I actually didn't take any offence but I was very shocked about it. I visited this person's channel and what I found was a long list of favourite videos offending people from most of the countries, especially the ones whose citizens, in his opinion, declare to be "white" while, always in his opinions, they are black (not to mention the n word he uses continuously). I also read he's from Spain and he hate spanish people because they are black, the only reason I can think for he still doesn't move to North Pole (I heard 100% of the population over there is pure white... But they are not very kind... You know, polar bears don't like humans so much if they are alive and out of their stomach) is because he's a troll or he's just a 12-year-old bully. One of those videos' title was "Italians are not white", and who made it basically declared that real white people only have blonde hair and blue eyes because they descend from albinos (?!) and showed many pictures of famous actors with italian origins and black hair like Al Pacino.
This was our conversation:
Me:"So tell me... What's the exact point of this video? Because I don't get what's wrong with not being blonde (the blonde girls in the first picture are actually very tanned while I have to protect my skin with 50+ sun protection everyday even if I have brown hair and eyes, but it's just to say). And someone should inform you that albinos have a genetic disorder that can occur even among black people..."(Assuming it is true, is it a positive thing for him to descend from people who have serious skin and sight problems?)
Him:"to reveal the truth, and expose white lies"
Me:" I can't see nor truth or lies, I just see hate and ignorance. Pure races don't exists, we all are melting pots of genetic traits gained through centuries and generations, and no one of this combination is better than the other."
I am really negatively surprised everytime I discover that people still can believe these things and want to spread these crazy thoughts with the world. I don't believe in races, and don't judge people about the colour of their skin, I judge them about their culture, and these guys' culture is really sick.
One of the comments said: "ITALIAN(s) ARE NOT WHITE". I responded to that in a very pacific way and my purpose was to be hilarious: "You watched Jersey Shore too much, lol. You should visit Italy when it's not summer holiday time and everybody get tanned..." assuming actors from that tv show represent the idea that foreign people have about Italians. This was the comment he posted on my youtube channel today: "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN I WATCH AMERICAN SHOWS ? IAM NOT AMERICAN YOU FUCKING GREASY BLACK ITALIAN, FUCK OFF BACK TO AFRIKA YOU MOOR" O.O I actually didn't take any offence but I was very shocked about it. I visited this person's channel and what I found was a long list of favourite videos offending people from most of the countries, especially the ones whose citizens, in his opinion, declare to be "white" while, always in his opinions, they are black (not to mention the n word he uses continuously). I also read he's from Spain and he hate spanish people because they are black, the only reason I can think for he still doesn't move to North Pole (I heard 100% of the population over there is pure white... But they are not very kind... You know, polar bears don't like humans so much if they are alive and out of their stomach) is because he's a troll or he's just a 12-year-old bully. One of those videos' title was "Italians are not white", and who made it basically declared that real white people only have blonde hair and blue eyes because they descend from albinos (?!) and showed many pictures of famous actors with italian origins and black hair like Al Pacino.
This was our conversation:
Me:"So tell me... What's the exact point of this video? Because I don't get what's wrong with not being blonde (the blonde girls in the first picture are actually very tanned while I have to protect my skin with 50+ sun protection everyday even if I have brown hair and eyes, but it's just to say). And someone should inform you that albinos have a genetic disorder that can occur even among black people..."(Assuming it is true, is it a positive thing for him to descend from people who have serious skin and sight problems?)
Him:"to reveal the truth, and expose white lies"
Me:" I can't see nor truth or lies, I just see hate and ignorance. Pure races don't exists, we all are melting pots of genetic traits gained through centuries and generations, and no one of this combination is better than the other."
I am really negatively surprised everytime I discover that people still can believe these things and want to spread these crazy thoughts with the world. I don't believe in races, and don't judge people about the colour of their skin, I judge them about their culture, and these guys' culture is really sick.
martedì 23 agosto 2011
Can't put one foot out of the door.
Goth bless air coditioning! I left home one hour ago and 95% of the time I was in places with air-coditioning. But those few seconds under the sun from my door to the car and from the car to the office was enough to make me feel really sick. I felt my skin burning, my heart beating in a strange way and I almost fainted at the post office. I have to admit, I haven't sleep in the last 24 hours but these are the hottest and worst days of the year here in Italy. It's truly impossible to stand for more than 10 seconds outdoor until the sun goes down. To face the infernal heat I chose a very minimal look for today: a very sober make up and my hair disguised in a masculine short style.
But now I want to show you what I recently bought! On sunday I felt really really bad, I cryed all night long and then I slept until the afternoon, when my parents decided to go out for a little trip to try to cheer me up. After we arrived in the town we wanted to visit (the one where was the goth party last week) we entered one of those little shops that sells frippery for very low prices and my eye was captured by a bunch of adorable tiny wooden chests, I would have bought them all but in the end I went for this one:
But now I want to show you what I recently bought! On sunday I felt really really bad, I cryed all night long and then I slept until the afternoon, when my parents decided to go out for a little trip to try to cheer me up. After we arrived in the town we wanted to visit (the one where was the goth party last week) we entered one of those little shops that sells frippery for very low prices and my eye was captured by a bunch of adorable tiny wooden chests, I would have bought them all but in the end I went for this one:
It's very tiny (the longest side is 8 cm) and now is filled with some rings and earrings. It costed me only 1€. So cute.
I discovered myself to be into steampunk-like objects at the moment, and I want to show the magnificent necklace I bought just a bunch of minutes ago from Pinkabsinthe Etsy shop:
I discovered myself to be into steampunk-like objects at the moment, and I want to show the magnificent necklace I bought just a bunch of minutes ago from Pinkabsinthe Etsy shop:
*ç* Isn't it gorgeous? I can't wait to wear it! I ran into this shop some weeks ago and I wanted to buy everything! Then yesterday I fell in love with this piece and finally decided to buy it. I think this is perfect for me in the colours and shapes. I'm starting to think shopping is for real very therapeutic.
giovedì 18 agosto 2011
Today's outfit
Ps: my hair is turning into orange again! ç_ç My beloved red lasted perfectly only 3 shampooings... I hope it will get better in time with repigmentations.
lunedì 15 agosto 2011
Three intense days: day three.
Then yesterday (sunday) we woke up at lunch time and in the afternoon me and my parents brought Rose at her home (which is in the town where I have reharsals with Lachaise). The plan was that after bringing her home we should have continue in that direction to reach the town where I was born, and where we lived for some years, to join the annual medieval festival. But while I was getting ready my father said he didn't feel like driving that much again after the previous trip to the party. I already had a nice make up on but then I just put on the same clothes I had the day before the goth party sure that I wouldn't even get off the car for more than 2 minutes to greet Rose. But after we left her he said that we could go there anyway. I would have preferred to wear some appropriate costume since I've always visited the festival with medieval clothes that some organizations lend to the citizens, but it was ok.
We arrived at my uncles' house and I sadly discovered no one of my two cousins of about my age (with whom I spent all the holidays when we were children) were there (ironically one of them was at another goth festival! She should have told me!). So I had to stand my parents' boring chats and embrassing argues for all the night. The festival was pretty much the same as always but, althought some years ago they have to shorten it to just three days and cancelled many things like the fireworks show for a lack of money, that night it was full of tourists and I read it would have last for several days and maybe there will even be the fireworks at the end of it. We visited all the artisans' stands all along the main street of the historical area and my lovely aunt bought me a beautiful handmade diadem I fell in love with as a birthday present even if it was 2 months ago. <3
Then we dine among armours and tents and watched some shows I found a bit boring because I saw them thousands of times. I saw many people I met the year when I joined the jugglers and actors company for a few days but they didn't recognize me of course, and we wouldn't have much to say because we don't know each other so well, so it was ok, even if it was sad to see they don't perform their funny shows on the streets anymore, I had a great time with them...
We arrived at my uncles' house and I sadly discovered no one of my two cousins of about my age (with whom I spent all the holidays when we were children) were there (ironically one of them was at another goth festival! She should have told me!). So I had to stand my parents' boring chats and embrassing argues for all the night. The festival was pretty much the same as always but, althought some years ago they have to shorten it to just three days and cancelled many things like the fireworks show for a lack of money, that night it was full of tourists and I read it would have last for several days and maybe there will even be the fireworks at the end of it. We visited all the artisans' stands all along the main street of the historical area and my lovely aunt bought me a beautiful handmade diadem I fell in love with as a birthday present even if it was 2 months ago. <3
Then we dine among armours and tents and watched some shows I found a bit boring because I saw them thousands of times. I saw many people I met the year when I joined the jugglers and actors company for a few days but they didn't recognize me of course, and we wouldn't have much to say because we don't know each other so well, so it was ok, even if it was sad to see they don't perform their funny shows on the streets anymore, I had a great time with them...
Three intense days: day two.
So the second day (saturday) was all dedicated to the main reason for I invited Rose to my place: I live closer (and still 40-50 km) to the club where la Notte delle Candele VII would have been. It was the 7th edition of probably one of the most important goth events we have in Italy. I used to hang out at goth clubs about 2-3 years ago because of a friend of mine but my look and mind was not goth at all at that time and I was very shy and strange because I was still trying to come out from my period of depression which lasts from 2006/2007 (you can't say the exact days when you started and stopped to be depressed) till 2009, so except for a few people, other goths didn't like me or find me interesting that much (but every other kind of people didn't then). That's the reason why I haven't gone to goth nights for all this time, and now that I'm developing a new look and a new mindset I wanted so much to go there. Me and Rose wake up late and calmly get ready during all the afternoon: we wanted to have gorgeous face and bodypaints and I wore contact lenses for the very first time.
I bought daily violet lenses with no gradation for 3,99€ at the supermarket, I was a bit sceptical because I thought cheap lenses from supermarket couldn't be good enough and too light to be noticed on brown eyes so I was very glad when I saw they were comfortable and look amazing. They are sold in just 4 or 5 colors but I'll for sure try pearl grey, green and of course I want to stock up on violet ones. Rose didn't really feel like going because she still was a bit hung over but she did it anyway for me. (<3) The club was a bit far and my parents kindly drove us there so that we could drink and stay 'till late. I had lots of fun and didn't even have time to dance because I always had someone to talk with (that's better because sweat would have ruined my bodypaint).
The place was big and full of beautiful people, there were a goth clothing stand from a shop I discovered to be only 20 minutes from my city (the only one I knew here closed some years ago) which sells main brands like Hell Bunny and many more at very good prices. Yay! That means no more online shopping and try on clothes before buying! I'm definitely going there asap. I even had a free drink offered by some old ugly men who had nothing in common with goth and wanted to flirt with me, then when my drink arrived I left them saying my girlfriend was waiting for me. Hahaha. I saw many people I used to meet in goth clubs in the old days and many of them didn't recognize me at first and were so positively surprised. It felt so good to me, like a little revenge.
Me and Maria, a supercute german girl I talk with for a while. (click here to see all the official pictures from the event)
I bought daily violet lenses with no gradation for 3,99€ at the supermarket, I was a bit sceptical because I thought cheap lenses from supermarket couldn't be good enough and too light to be noticed on brown eyes so I was very glad when I saw they were comfortable and look amazing. They are sold in just 4 or 5 colors but I'll for sure try pearl grey, green and of course I want to stock up on violet ones. Rose didn't really feel like going because she still was a bit hung over but she did it anyway for me. (<3) The club was a bit far and my parents kindly drove us there so that we could drink and stay 'till late. I had lots of fun and didn't even have time to dance because I always had someone to talk with (that's better because sweat would have ruined my bodypaint).
The place was big and full of beautiful people, there were a goth clothing stand from a shop I discovered to be only 20 minutes from my city (the only one I knew here closed some years ago) which sells main brands like Hell Bunny and many more at very good prices. Yay! That means no more online shopping and try on clothes before buying! I'm definitely going there asap. I even had a free drink offered by some old ugly men who had nothing in common with goth and wanted to flirt with me, then when my drink arrived I left them saying my girlfriend was waiting for me. Hahaha. I saw many people I used to meet in goth clubs in the old days and many of them didn't recognize me at first and were so positively surprised. It felt so good to me, like a little revenge.

Me and Maria, a supercute german girl I talk with for a while. (click here to see all the official pictures from the event)
Three intense days: day one.
Hello my dears! Those have been some intense but funny days to me.
On Friday I woke up really early and cleaned up the whole house, it took me about 7 hours (ok... This doesn't sound good but go on), then I drove to the studio where I had to do some test make up on a very beautiful model for the photographer who took the shooting for my band a couple of months ago (we have some upcoming plans). He uploaded a few pictures on his site but as long as the make up is not so visible in those pictures, he provided me with a portrait from the same set.
Then I run to meet a new Herbalife customer, went back home and my friend Rose came up to my place to spend two days together.
So that night we went to the Padova Pride Village, which is actually one of the few interesting things in this city. It was born about 4 years ago as a glbt friendly event and it got better every year: now its a two-month-long fair with two discos, loads of bar stands, food and clothes stands and several shows every night and special guests from all over the world. We saw the 5th phase of the Village Talent (a small version of X-Factor) and singers where terrible (except for the one I missed to go to the toilets) but missed the main late show because Rose drank too much and needed to go home. XD But until then we had very much fun and also met some gorgeous drag queens (the pink one was soooo nice). I was instead at the right point of drunkness, I felt very well and I even danced to that pop music I hate so much when I'm sane!
giovedì 11 agosto 2011
Yesterday's and today's make up.
lunedì 8 agosto 2011
Voiceprint vs Vocal Range
During the last few weeks I listened to many unknown symphonic metal bands from all over the world, bands that are in some way comparable to Lachaise. Predictably I focused my attention on the voices of female singers and I noticed almost all of them are very similar: I found only one girl whose voice was "original" and I liked it, eventhought in this case the musicians were not skilled enough in my opinion. But I want to speak about what I know, singing indeed, I'm a singer, not a musician so, back to the voice matter, I sadly noticed that most of the female singers, despite of their good skills, have the same style of singing, and what I really don't like is that they seem to imitate most famous singers like Tarja or Simone and their very shady opera-like style disguising their natural voiceprint and then penalizing their whole work. But, unless you sing in one of those tribute bands where the members try to look after those from the original band in the whole look and style, why should you imitate them? I think that they would sing better if they discover their natural voiceprint and that they will never become big imitating something that already exists. One thing is playing the same genre and being influenced by some bands, one thing is making the same music we already heard thousands of times. I get bored listening to wanna-be-Tarja singers. Don't misunderstand what I'm saying: opera-like singing is very popular in this kind of music, and it's good, but trying to sing with a voiceprint that's not yours is not good at all. I want their real voices! They should develope their very own voice. I have a quite large vocal range that can go really low but unfortunately can't reach the highest notes these girls can reach (thought I can go quite high anyway), and this make my quite envious... But thank Goth I have a peculiar voiceprint and I know I'm not imitating anyone. I don't want to sound arrogant and I still have a lot to learn but even if I can't make those nightingale's chirps and trills more than once in a while I know people won't think I'm a wanna-be-Amy Lee or a wanna-be-Sharon singer and it won't be something they've already heard thousands of times when they'll listen to me. Furthermore, I drive for 50+50km (going+coming back) everytime I have to reharse with the band because the first time I heard my bandmates play I thought "this music has something peculiar I've never heard before and it's good".
giovedì 4 agosto 2011
New random pictures and facebook page
Today I took lots of random pictures and some cute sequences I'm gonna turn into gif as soon as I feel like it. I uploaded this and other nice ones on my brand new Facebook page.
Some of my friends say creating a fanpage on Facebook when you are nobody is for losers who beg for attention and I agree in part, so I'm not gonna bother anyone to press the "like" button: I just did it because my bandmates think I should not show much of my private life on the internet with too personal status, silly pictures and posts (as I usually do) as long as among my friends list are not only people I know in person from a while. So I decided to split the private and public. I'm not gonna accept any more friend request on my personal profile unless I've been knowing the person in real life for a reasonably long time and also start asking the stranger ones to move (if they want... But if not I'll have to delete them anyway) from my personal profile to my public page. I went for the page not for "fans collecting" but simply because I can go from profile to page waaaay quicker without continuously logging in and out (that is actually extremely annoying). I hope you won't think I'm a loser begging for attention... ç___ç
martedì 2 agosto 2011
Oh... Somebody made a portrait of me!
Browsing on facebook I found an album full of gorgeous pictures of gods and goddesses and my eye was captured by this one:
This is Marowit, slav goddess of nightmares. I noticed: red long hair, pointed bang, big boobs, tiny waist, very large hips and thighs... That's the exact description of... Me! Why don't I look that gorgeous then??? That's not fair, not fair at all! ù____ù
lunedì 1 agosto 2011
My new look, step two
Goodbye messy eyebrows, welcome awesomeness.
Many days ago I ordered the black Stargazer semi-permanent tattoo pen and I was waiting for it to be delivered before shaving my eyebrows and draw them with it. But it still hasn't arrived and I just have not enough patience: I was so looking forward to practicing that a few minutes ago I decided to shave them anyway and practicing with liquid eyeliner. This is my first attempt ever so I apologize if it's not perfect but I'm quite satisfied with it.

For the third and last (by now) step I have to wait utill the summer ends because is something that should not be done with sun and heat.
For the third and last (by now) step I have to wait utill the summer ends because is something that should not be done with sun and heat.
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