domenica 30 ottobre 2011
Being goth at Halloween?
Halloween is almost here and with it come people looking at your everyday outfit and asking "Are you ready for Halloween yet?" during the weeks before and "Isn't Halloween over yet?" during the weeks after. Or am I the only goth who's asked so? With my black clothes, lace, leather, studs and skulls and with my wonderful red and black hair and V fringe (better than any wig you could ever buy), it would be kind of boring and nobody would notice the difference if I dress up like a vampire, a devil or a witch. For that reason tomorrow I'll dress up in what I myself consider a scaring way. :) I don't want to reveal what my costume will be but I'll give you a hint: I bought the darkest foundation I could find to look tanned and I spent hours dressing a black straight wig. ;) Now I have to go and get ready for tonight's concert! I'm going to face my fear of being squashed in a big crowd indoor to see Lacuna Coil! So far...
venerdì 28 ottobre 2011
Some happiness sharing
Yay! I just finished composing the vocals of the first song I'm working on for my new music project! It's still too early to talk about it but as soon as someone knew I was not in Lachaise anymore he asked me to create a brand new band and that's enough for you to know as far. ;)
It's so rewarding to create your own music and not only interpret what someone else did. Finally I can use all those lyrics I've been writing on my special "songs book" during the past years.
(My beautiful songs book)
As you may have noticed, I've changed my surname from Månsken to Shiver. I chose the previous one for Lachaise and I never really liked it that much. It was hard to spell and to remember, and I don't want to be linked to a deceiving past. Shiver has several meanings for me: I wanted a word reminding something dark and cold, but a shiver is what I have when I listen to very good music aswell, so I think it's a perfect expression of myself. But who knows, maybe I'll find an even better surname and change it again... That's all as far, I actually have some other news but there will be a time for them too! Let me know what you think about my new name and follow my facebook page! Byes! xxx
lunedì 24 ottobre 2011
Talent show
Hey guys! :) I just came back home from Milan where I spent all the day to have an audition for a talent show on italian television (not as famous as X Factor but who cares, I just want to sing). The audition went good and they told me I'm in the contest. I just wanted to tell you the fresh news. It's 8.22 pm here and I'm in a hurry because I have a make up class at 9.30 and I still have to cook my dinner. Despite that I found the time to shot a funny picture for you with my webcam! Byes! <3<3<3
venerdì 14 ottobre 2011
This is a little work I wrote about weeks and weeks ago. I made it last summer. What a pity some lines look curved because of the shape of the body, I drew them with a damn ruler! Thanks to Raedna ( for the shoot and to my friend Arrigo for having been my human canvas.

mercoledì 12 ottobre 2011
The uncomfortable truth
So... As I already said I'm not in the band anymore. I was really sad but in the end I found out the truth and I have to admit now I am so happy I lost them. It's so sickening the way they lied and cheated on me. I admit I can act very bitch sometimes but I've always been honest and (unfortunately) I've put my trust in them. Now the singer who left before they found me is back in the band. I can't say nothing about her as a singer because she's very good, and I don't know her in person. But the few things I know make me think she's perfect for them because they all are people living a life based on shameful lies, for this they'll surely get along. I won't say anything more because they are acting really cheap threatening me and my friends. All of this because I told some uncomfortable truth about them and this is giving them some problems.
Now it's time for me to find new good musicians that are good people too. I'm not necessarily looking for friends, but I want them to be respectable and trustworthy as I am.
domenica 9 ottobre 2011
Goth club
Yesterday night I went to a goth club with a bunch of people not to stay at home crying and I had a good time, I danced like I was alone in my room, not caring of what others could think, it was so liberating... But at the end of the night a few things went wrong, such as people talking about their problems that are way bigger then the ones I have (this doesn't cheer me up at all if you thought so. It makes me feel even worse!) and girls leaving me alone to do some hot guys I liked. Nevermind.
The positive thing about the band dumping me is that I don't feel like eating and I started losing weight again. Lol, don't worry, it will take at least 20 kg more before you can think I'm anorexic (I just want to lose 10 or 12 to reach the "normal" area in the BMI scale), and I'm not going to be sad forever so I will just start to eat again someday. But yesterday night I was glad that I could not recognize myself in the mirrors. martedì 4 ottobre 2011
No more a Lachaise member
Yesterday night some of the Lachaise' member drove me away from the band. It's needless to say how deceived, bitter and sad I feel about this. It was not my decision. My heart is broken. I feel spiritless. I spent an unestimable amount of my energy, my time, my money on this band. But it seems I didn't work hard enough.I'm not going to say anything else about it right now, because my grief could make me say wrong things about them.
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