mercoledì 10 aprile 2013


giovedì 14 febbraio 2013

Busy days

Woah, I finally have some time to check my pages, resume contact with my friends and just relax after 11 days of intense work. I've been busy doing facepainting in the streets all day long during the Carnival of Venice for 10 days (the longest I last was 15 hours in a row) then yesterday night I did facepainting at the last carnival party in a lgbt club here in my city. I have other face and bodypainting works waiting for me in the upcoming days, so I'll just have a little break and then I'll go back at work, drawing sketches, buying new material and making plans. At least all this work saves me from thinking I'm alone on St.Valentine's day and from depression...
 I wish people remind of face and bodypainting during the rest of the year too. It's not something suitable for Carnival and Halloween only... If I had the amount of work I had in february in other months too, I could stop looking for a real job and live of this.
 Unfortunately I accidentally deleted some pictures of my best make ups I did in these days. But I printed it and I'm trying to make my scanner work properly to show them to you... Other face painters in Venice made me discover a brand of aquacolors I didn't know: Grimas. I bought some colours yesterday and I found out my new religion. They are the best in quality/price ratio I've tried so far. <3<3<3 Totally awesome.
Woah, finalmente ho un po' di tempo per controllare le mie pagine, riprendere i contatti coi miei amici e rilassarmi un po' dopo 11 giorni di lavoro intenso. Sono stata occupata a fare la truccatrice di strada per tutto il giorno durante il Carnevale di Venezia per 10 giorni (il giorno che ho resistito di più ho lavorato 15 ore di fila) poi ieri notte ho fatto la truccatrice per un'ultima festa di carnevale in un locale lgbt qui nella mia città. Ho altri lavori come truccatrice e bodypainter in programma nei prossimi giorni, così farò solo una breve pausa e poi tornerò a fare schizzi, comprare nuovo materiale e pianificare tutto. Perlomeno tutto questo da fare mi salva dal pensare che è San Valentino e sono sola e dalla depressione...
Mi piacerebbe che le persone si ricordassero dell'esistenza del face e bodypainting anche durante il resto dell'anno. Non è qualcosa adatto esclusivamente a Carnevale e Halloween... Se avessi la quantità di lavoro che ho avuto a febbraio anche nel resto dei mesi potrei smettere di cercare un lavoro vero e vivere di questo.
Sfortunatamente ho cancellato per sbaglio alcune foto dei trucchi più belli che ho fatto in questi giorni. Ma le ho stampate e sto cercando di far funzionare decentemente lo scanner per mostrarvele... Gli altri truccatori a Venezia mi hanno fatto scoprire una marca di acquacolor che non conoscevo: la Grimas. Ne ho comprati alcuni colori ieri e ho trovato la mia nuova religione. Sono i migliori in rapporto qualità/prezzo che abbia provato fin'ora. <3<3<3 Assolutamente fantastici.

My look yesterday night. <3

domenica 27 gennaio 2013

Let's try again!

Ok, it's been months since I last post something on this blog. Basically because nobody was reading what I wrote and it was very demotivating. But now that my facebook page has grown a little bit (last friday the like button was hit for the 1000th time! *-* Thanks to all who did it! <3) I hope there will be someone out there who will read and show me any sign of life. Reading my past entries I can see I've changed a lot. My look changed and my mind above all. Maybe now I want to be myself and not only a bad copy of someone already existing. That's why I think and I hope from now on reading about me will be a little more interesting. Let's give it another go. Have a nice Sunday!

domenica 17 giugno 2012

21st Wave Gotik Treffen in Leipzig 2012 - Day 3

At depeche mode party
I didn't forget to write about the rest of my travel to the WGT, I've just been busy with my birthday and some job interviews in the past days. Here we are! On day 3 I decided to experiment my absolutely-not-complete newbie steampunk outfit. Since my camera is huge and I just wanted all my stuff to stay in my pockets without bringing my bag with me (and since I didn't want to bother the others to bring it for me) I left it at the hotel and I can show you only the pictures the others took. We woke up late and we all went back to Sixtina and XtraX for some shopping with the ones who weren't with us the day before, then the group splitted again and I went to Werk II to see Nachtmahr in concert but again I had to listen from outside, this time because it was too hot inside and there was no place to sit (I really needed to sit for a while since I walked on heels all day long) and when I was ready to go back inside, the doors were closed. :( Well at least I succeeded in eating some vegetables that night instead of all the junk food we had to eat all the time! :P After Werk II the group reunited in a club at a Depeche Mode party to celebrate Charlotte's birthday, but we didn't stay long since we wanted to go to Moritzbastei. I didn't realize how big it was at the beginning, because I stopped on the first dancefloor, but when I had to look for the others I explored the whole place and it is really amazing. There's a very similar place in my city but it's not that big and it's not a place for goths...
 We saw two men in amazing, huge steampunk armours and everybody wanted to take pictures to them. They looked very pissed off for this.... I bet being asking for pictures 24hours can be a bit bothering, But if you wear something like that it's because you like to focus attention on yourself, so pose for my picture and shut up! :P At Moritzbastei me and my mates spent hours chitchatting and of course gossipping about people we meet in clubs. Gosh, I think I was evil before I heard them buzzing! O.O I hope they don't say such evil things about me when I'm not with them! 

Half of us including me went back to the hotel at dawn, the others stayed out till late in the morning. Here are my make up and outfit. I like steampunk style very much, but almost all the ladies in steampunk outfits I saw there were a mash between victorian and steampunk, with blouses, long skirts and little hats. I'm more into an outfit that could be comfortable and suitable for a time traveller, with shorts and a tool belt. I'm still working on it and currently I'm waiting for the leather corset I ordered for my birthday.
my make up

Kinki +beer+me

martedì 12 giugno 2012

Dimmu Borgir

Last Sunday night I went to see Dimmu Borgir at New Age club in Roncade. The concert was amazing, they are really good musicians. Especially the drummer. After the gig I waited outside the club to meet them and I took some pictures. Here is me with Shagrath. I didn't expect him to be so handsome in person. *-* You can see other pictures on my fb page: (don't forget to like it)

mercoledì 6 giugno 2012

The transit of Venus

Last night I didn't go to sleep beacuse I was afraid I wouldn't have woken up to see it in time! After writing the previous blog about my 2nd day at WGT I took my bike and went to the river shore to have a better view. Unfortunately the horizon was very cloudy and I couldn't see anything. When finally the sun came out of the clouds I sadly discovered the dark glass I had with me was inefficient, plus Venus looked so little it was really hard to find it without enlarging it with a telescope or bioculars. I luckily found a kind lady who borrowed me her binoculars for a few seconds, so that I could finally see the show! I noticed she didn't have any dark glass, just a piece of an x-ray sheet and it was very effective! Since I misunderstood the event would have finished at 5.55 and this time was very soon I came back home in a hurry and looked for some old x-ray. I found it in a few seconds so I ran at the terrace and used it as a filter for my photocamera, I zoomed at its maximum and I still couldn't see the event (it ended at 6.50 here). My mum and my brother were waking up at that moment to go to work so I told them to run and see it or they wouldn't have seen it anymore in their life. (It will happen again in 2117!) So finally I could take pictures of it. :) My camera is not professional but I'm so satisfied for having my own pictures of Venus transiting in front of the Sun!